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They Once Raced Here: The lost racecourses of Victoria

Chris Ganly

I haven't posted for a while and here's the main reason why.

As some who read this will know, I started working on another research project about five years ago. Well, book one is done and arrived this week. It's always an exciting day.

Here's the story of how I got here.

Like the other subjects I have tackled, this one began somewhat innocuously. We had just had lunch at the outstanding Lake House in Daylesford and were returning home to Geelong on the Daylesford – Ballan Road. Approaching Ballan, I noticed a signpost on the left that read ‘Race Course Road.’ I pondered that for a little while, thinking that I’d never heard of racing in Ballan. The name of the road must be for some reason, just like all the Creamery Roads you see in the country. And that was pretty much it.

What followed over the best part of the next five years (to date) is my search for the rest of the ‘lost’ racecourses in Victoria. What I didn’t realise at the beginning was how many there were and then just how hard it would be to track them all down. At the beginning, I started by simply compiling a list, but as I spoke with others it dawned on me that there was something of relevance and interest here. Over the journey, I heard that others had had the idea before me, but I could not find anything published. Sure, there are mentions of some former courses in a number of racing and history books, but no-one had tracked them all down and pulled it together. And that’s what I set out to do.

At first, I thought this research would result in a single volume but as my master list approached 1,000 locations — let alone courses, as each location could and in most cases did have multiple courses — I soon realised that there were too many for a single volume, and to do this justice it needed to be broken down. As geography seemed to make the most sense,

My first volume, volume one, covers the first two, the Barwon and Central Highlands, regions. I chose to tackle these two first for a couple of reasons. They are two of the most complicated regions, given the age of settlement, and they just happen to be close to where I live. Always back self-interest, at least you know it’s trying!

I must thank and recognise a number of people, organisations, and institutions. First, my wonderful and supportive wife who not only edited this for me but supported me tirelessly on the search. Part of the mission here was to not only track down where the courses had been, it was also to pay a visit. Denise came with me on many of those visits to look at what once had been. Many times, it was just a nondescript paddock. I would not have finished this without her help and her constant support. To my Dad, Rob, for his unwavering support in my endeavours, always up for a road trip, a fantastic sounding board and keen researcher for me, and outstanding help in manipulating most of the images in volume one.

Thanks to Public Records Office Victoria, State Library of Victoria, National Library of Australia and their outstanding Trove website, the State of Victoria, and the Victorian Land Titles Office. My thanks also go to the numerous historical societies out there including Inverleigh, Queenscliffe, Anglesea, Ararat, Beech Forrest, Birregurra, Cressy, Winchelsea, and Colac. A number of individuals who helped on the way also deserve thanks. Everyone has always been so interested and happy to assist – and the racing folk have always enjoyed another ‘tragic’ to talk with.

And yes, they did race at Ballan. You’ll find that in the first volume that arrived in all of it's goodness this week. You'll also find more about the series, the progress and some more information on the "Lost Raceccourses" page on my website.

If you're interested in a copy of volume one please feel free to contact me at


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